W E L C O M E T O 2 0 2 1 C O .
Established in 2018, 2021 Co. is a stationery company created by best friends, Emily King + Nicole Couto. Together they collaborate to make one-of-a-kind encouraging, uplifting (and fun!) greeting cards with the mission of making the world a little better place, one card at a time.
From Emily + Nicole:
After the tragedies of losing our brothers, (Emily’s to suicide, Nicole’s to violence) we felt compelled to use our individual gifts for good in a collaborative way. After a decade of working together professionally, Emily as a designer and Nicole as a print sales manager, our friendship grew over press proofs and coffee dates. Our combined skill set and shared desire to make a difference led us to create what is now 2021 Co.
Although our goal was to start in the year 2021, which is when our children were in school and life would be “easier," we just couldn’t wait. Now in our 5th year, 2021 Co. has a large and diverse line of meaningful, unique paper goods in hundreds of stores nationwide.
We are New England girls, born and raised, and have a studio mill space in Fall River, Massachusetts. You can find us there, collaborating and creating every day, with Atticus, our handsome Great Dane, and Maggie our loyal Chihuahua.
From Emily + Nicole:
After the tragedies of losing our brothers, (Emily’s to suicide, Nicole’s to violence) we felt compelled to use our individual gifts for good in a collaborative way. After a decade of working together professionally, Emily as a designer and Nicole as a print sales manager, our friendship grew over press proofs and coffee dates. Our combined skill set and shared desire to make a difference led us to create what is now 2021 Co.
Although our goal was to start in the year 2021, which is when our children were in school and life would be “easier," we just couldn’t wait. Now in our 5th year, 2021 Co. has a large and diverse line of meaningful, unique paper goods in hundreds of stores nationwide.
We are New England girls, born and raised, and have a studio mill space in Fall River, Massachusetts. You can find us there, collaborating and creating every day, with Atticus, our handsome Great Dane, and Maggie our loyal Chihuahua.