2021 is for all of us.

Phew, we made it to the other side of 2020 and are so happy to be here.
Six days into 2021 (OUR actual year!) and we are incredibly grateful to have survived a year of-the-most-uncertainty-any-of-us-have-likely-experienced-before. We feel fortunate to have crawled through the last year relatively unscathed. Our families are healthy and our business remains in-tact and is even growing.
Friends, so many have lost loved ones, their jobs, and struggled with mental health after a year of isolation and despair. It is unspeakable what many people have endured.
We know we can’t bring back loved ones lost, expedite vaccine distribution or help with the devastating impact of isolation.
We wish we could.
But because of YOU, our amazing community of friends, family, followers and customers, we CAN keep doing what we love; creating beautiful products that bring joy, inspiration and most important, human connection.
There are no words to express our utter thanks and gratitude for the support and loyalty of this little community we are building together.
Thank you and - on to 2021!
Nicole + Emily
ps....we thought a couple of little NEW YEAR products were in order for this VERY anticipated turn of the calendar.
You can peek here: https://2021co.com/collections/new/products/phew-new-year-card
and here: https://2021co.com/collections/new/products/survived-2020-by-a-thread-sticker
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