Its not always glamorous!

A little less than two years ago we printed our very first run of cards. We were so excited to be finally producing actual product! We captured the moment below.
It's been an exciting time and we were equally excited last Friday to pull off our very first holiday photo shoot (well, our first photo shoot of any sort actually!). We took over the room in the house with the best natural light and off we went. We only had about 3 hours of time to get as many shots as possible before we had to get kids off busses, so as one might imagine, we were not delicate or terribly neat with our scene setting supplies. The photo below was about 5 minutes in and we got messier from there.
Did I say we were in a bit of a rush? Emily may or may not have bumped her head about 42 times on the overhead light trying to get the best shot. What a trooper!
And Timothy was not overly thrilled to have people interrupt his afternoon nap.
But we got it done and we are thrilled with the outcome! Stay tuned for a great giveaway and the reveal of our holiday campaign!
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Lookin good!
— Maria