thank you! NAACP follow-up

At least locally, the Black Lives Matter push in the media seems to have dimmed. The rush of stories of brutality, injustice and information coming to the surface has slowed. Protests and marches for justice have waned. We are in the summer swing—enjoying time outside and doing our best to make the most of the strangest summer of isolation on record. It's easy to let the events of a few months ago fade into the distance and find some comfort and normalcy, as if these things aren't still happening.
This is the time where showing support to our friends of color is the most critical~ when the hum of protest and change has gone quiet. As Nicole and I mentioned in our previous post, we are new to championing the Black Lives Matter movement. We both have always mentally supported the cause, but have not taken any real action until now. Making these Tees has given us feet into the world social justice. Our goal now is to KEEP GOING.
With your contributions via this tee, you—our amazing customers— have raised $902 for the NAACP. We like round numbers ( who doesn't ) and wanted to add our own contribution, which landed us at exactly $1000. We are SO PROUD of our little company that could for making this happen. It's shows that small acts can definitely have great impact.
Every time someone sends us a photo wearing their shirt, it gives us the greatest joy and satisfaction. So much so that we of course need to put them into collage form and share them with you.
We will continue to sell this shirt, raise funds, and promote social justice and equality. Also in the works, we have a more masculine looking Black Lives Matter design we are working for the people out there who aren't as down with the hand lettering! So stay tuned on that.
Finally, in an effort to keep the momentum of social justice in place, we made this free downloadable sign for friends to post in their shop, home, market- anywhere to continue to create awareness. You can download the printable HERE.
So THANK YOU—Thank you again for all your support in this mission. The 2021 Co. customers are truly a special group, people we consider friends.
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