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the 2021

thank you! NAACP follow-up

thank you! NAACP follow-up

At least locally, the Black Lives Matter push in the media seems to have dimmed. The rush of stories of brutality, injustice and information coming to the surface has slowed. Protests and marches for justice have waned. We are in the summer swing—enjoying time outside and doing our best to make the most of the strangest summer of isolation on record. It's easy to let the events of a few months ago fade into the distance and find some comfort and normalcy, as if these things aren't still happening.

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I am sorry it took us so long.

I am sorry it took us so long.

This has been a tough week for our country and like everyone else, we feel shattered by the death of George Floyd.  Truth be told, I have not watched the video in full.  I am afraid to see a fellow human being begging for their life to unanswered pleas from the very people sworn to protect it.  It’s hard to think of anything else these days and COVID feels like the distant past. We are sad, confused, feel helpless and a sense of underlying guilt is creeping in. We don’t pretend to know what to do and we certainly don’t remotely understand the incredibly complex issues that have captured our nation through the murder of George Floyd. 

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