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the 2021

We are giddy to be three!

We are giddy to be three!

We are nearly three and growing like a weed!

2021 Co. will be three years old on Monday, November 22nd and being a toddler in real life and in business life is both incredibly fun + frustrating.

Being in the awkward toddler stage, we are learning a new language and phrases like “supply chain,” “cost of goods sold,” and “cost per square foot” are starting to feel a little less foreign. Although we freely admit that having to discuss such topics can still inspire a good old-fashioned temper tantrum..

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fall feelings

fall feelings

I’ll be honest, the summer is my favorite season. The days are long, bright and warm. Also, during the summer I still have fall to look forward to—which I also love, but a little less.

For me, fall feels like a Sunday night when I was in high school, trying to enjoy the last few hours of the weekend before the alarm goes off the next morning and remember the test you haven’t prepared for.

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#HopeIsContagious Connect Pack 4

#HopeIsContagious Connect Pack 4

Even in the most trying of times, it’s important to find the small moments of joy that take place during each day. It might be a smile shared with your postal carrier, watching a funny video or even telling silly jokes.  It’s scientifically proven that laughter is contagious just like hope and optimism.

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#HopeIsContagious Connect Pack #3

#HopeIsContagious Connect Pack #3

This time in our lives is both unprecedented and uncertain. It may be hard to imagine right now, but we will experience some positive impact through all of this. We all will all tap into resources we didn't know we had. We will grow from this and our strength and resilience will grow accordingly.

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