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the 2021

#HopeIsContagious Connect Pack 4

#HopeIsContagious Connect Pack 4

Even in the most trying of times, it’s important to find the small moments of joy that take place during each day. It might be a smile shared with your postal carrier, watching a funny video or even telling silly jokes.  It’s scientifically proven that laughter is contagious just like hope and optimism.

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#HopeIsContagious Connect Pack #3

#HopeIsContagious Connect Pack #3

This time in our lives is both unprecedented and uncertain. It may be hard to imagine right now, but we will experience some positive impact through all of this. We all will all tap into resources we didn't know we had. We will grow from this and our strength and resilience will grow accordingly.

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#HopeIsContagious —A Campaign for Human Connection

#HopeIsContagious —A Campaign for Human Connection

At 2021 Co., we are proud to partner with Audrey McClelland of MomGenerations to do our part during this unprecedented time.  

The world of every human has been turned upside down. Panic and fear is running rampant as COVID-19 has already had an unprecedented effect on our world. Amidst this fear and quake, is the call to action and for hope.

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our why

our why

Today marks the 15th anniversary of my brothers death. He died by suicide, hanging himself in his small apartment in New Jersey, June 18, 2004. He was 25 and I was 23. He was my only sibling. He ended his life and in doing so, shattered our families' lives. It's impossible to put into words the pain we felt, and still feel to this day.

Who I am today has a direct correlation to what happened 15 years ago. I've still not recovered from his death, nor will I ever completely be recovered. Amidst the pain and anguish his choice caused, he also offered me a perspective and a true appreciation for life that I never would have had otherwise. It's both a blessing and a curse. I take each day as a true gift because I KNOW it's not guaranteed. I hug and kiss my children praying each day they never know the suffering I've endured—praying I will never lose one of them. It's a thought that haunts me. I survive and work through anxiety, trying to control my surroundings, protecting everyone any everything I hold dear. The fear of that pain is the driver in me.

How the heck does this relate to stationery? Great question. My partner Nicole and I have always had similar outlooks on life. She and I worked together in the design and printing industries when my brother died. She also lost a brother in a sudden and tragic way when she was young. We both have in us a deep desire to change this world, bring positivity and help to those who need it. We started this company to make a difference. With the messages on our cards and products, and through awareness. We are still working on the HOW— what's the best way to take our message and partner with organizations that are in place to help those suffering. Those who have experienced suicide personally, or are considering suicide.

The why has been in our hearts, and 2021 Co. is our vessel to the how. Today, on this 15th anniversary I felt compelled to share more than I really ever have on the true reasons 2021 Co. was created. We are passionate about design and beautiful things, but we want to do it with purpose.

For anyone who has experienced suicide, or a trauma in their lives, please know you are not alone. And if you are in crisis please reach out to someone, I wish from the bottom of my heart my brother had.

Below is the link to the national suicide prevention hotline:


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