#HopeIsContagious Connect Pack 1

Everything in life is impermanent. Good turns bad, sickness turns to health. What we don't have today, we may have tomorrow. This is a concept kids can learn early.
Here is what to do with CONNECT PACK ONE:
- Print the quote by Ester Perel and pin it up as a reminder that ultimately, it’s people who matter, not things.
- Today’s card is a favorite proverb that can provide hope during this time. The use of the wave on the card is indicative of life as it is and always has been - its cyclical must like the wave. Who can use a reminder of that now? Who is most in need? Is it a grandparent who can't have visitors? A family member in the healthcare industry? Or a friend who might be missed during this time? Print it out, color/decorate it and pop it in the mail.
- Lastly, use this question and answer sheet to connect with an older child or teen in your life. It will spark conversation about struggles in life and that they are generally overcome in time—just not always in "our time."

Please post and share all the amazing good that can come out of the quality time spent talking together and creating a card to lift someones spirit, using the hashtag #HopeIsContagious
Enjoy day one!
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