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We are giddy to be three!

We are giddy to be three!

We are nearly three and growing like a weed!

2021 Co. will be three years old on Monday, November 22nd and being a toddler in real life and in business life is both incredibly fun + frustrating.

Being in the awkward toddler stage, we are learning a new language and phrases like “supply chain,” “cost of goods sold,” and “cost per square foot” are starting to feel a little less foreign. Although we freely admit that having to discuss such topics can still inspire a good old-fashioned temper tantrum..

Our very first press run back in 2020.  We were so excited!

(photo from our very first press run back in 2018)

In true three year old fashion, we are also in awe of everything—mostly that people spend their very own money on things we made… and especially PEOPLE-WHO-DON’T-EVEN-KNOW-US!  When orders come in online and neither of us know the customer IRL, a little extra happy dance is always called for. Of course, we LOVE it when our friends and family order too because we frankly would not still be here without them.

Celebrating Signing our Lease on our new mill space studio!

August of 2020, celebrating signing our lease for our new studio space

So thank you for going on this journey with us! Just like raising a toddler it takes a village and we are so happy you are part of ours.


and now two very important announcements


      Here are the deets... Want to win $250+ of 2021 Co. goodies? We KNOW you do and it's super easy!

      JUST DO THIS before 11.22.21 and each action is worth one entry: ⁠

      1. Like this post⁠⁠⁠ - that was easy

      2. Make sure you’re following us @2021_co – obviously

      3. Subscribe to our email list. This one especially (link in bio)

      4. Know a friend who might like this gift set? Tag a friend on the post so they can enter too.

        5. want an extra entry? Share this post on your story and leave a comment that you did!⁠



            It’s one day only, but if you are an email subscriber, you will get an email the day before with early access, so make sure you are singed up!

            That’s it for now except for one last thank you for supporting us the last three years!


            Emily + Nicole


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